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Application Overview

When a person or family wishes to reside in public housing operated by the Franklin County Housing Authority (FCHA), they must submit an application that provides FCHA with the information needed to determine eligibility. The application requires that the applicant provides copies of birth certificates and social security cards for all family members, and photo IDs for all adults in the home. 


FCHA will place all eligible families that apply for public housing and meet all of the eligibility requirements on a waiting list. When a unit becomes available, FCHA will select families from the waiting list in accordance with HUD requirements and FCHA policies as stated in its Admissions and Continued Occupancy Policy and the annual plan.


Low Income Limits for Franklin County, PA:

1 Person in Household   - $51,950

2 Persons in Household - $59,350

3 Persons in Household - $66,750

4 Persons in Household - $74,150

5 Persons in Household - $80,100

6 Persons in Household - $86,050

7 Persons in Household - $91,950

8 Persons in Household - $97,900

Looking for information on Section 8? Click here!


IMPORTANT: Completed applications can be submitted online, and all accompanying paperwork returned to the Housing Authority by mail or submitted in person during normal business hours within 14 days. Applications must be complete in order to be accepted by the Housing Authority for processing. The application requires copies of birth certificates and social security cards for all family members, and photo IDs for all adults in the home.


To apply online (you will need a printer): 

Please complete the Public Housing Online Application (Aplicación para la Asistencia de Vivienda - en Español). You will be prompted to print consent forms during the online application. If you miss this step, please print the Consent Form and Release of Information Form here.


No Past Landlords Form


If you are Homeless: 


Select Homeless Preference (1 point) – Families are eligible for the homeless preference if they lack a fixed, regular, or adequate nighttime residence. To verify this preference, you must provide a certification from a publicly or privately-operated shelter, Franklin County Community Connection Access Center (717) 261-3893, or proof you are receiving temporary help from a state, local or federal agency.

To apply in person:

If you do not have access to a computer, internet, or printer, visit one of the FCHA offices to complete the online application form. The offices are open from

9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Chambersburg Office: 436 W. Washington Street, Chambersburg, PA 17201

Waynesboro Office: 202 Elder Avenue,

Waynesboro, PA 17268

Preferences for Housing

FCHA currently has the following preferences for those that apply:

  1. Local Preference (1 Point) - In order to provide housing to families who live or work in Franklin County, any household where the head, spouse, or co-head currently lives in or works within Franklin County.

  2. Working/Elderly/Disabled (1 Point) - Households are eligible for the working/elderly/disabled preference if the head, spouse, or co-head is;

    • Working - employed for at least 30 hours per week over a 12-month period;

    • Elderly - at least 62 years or older

    • Disabled - a person with disabilities

  3. Veterans Preference (1 Point) - Households are eligible for the veterans preference if the head, spouse, or co-head is an active service member, a retired service member, or is the surviving household member of a deceased service member. (A copy of the Veteran's Department of Defense Form DD214 must be submitted to verify the veteran preference.)

  4. Victim of Domestic Violence (1 point) – Families that have been subjected to, or victimized by, a member of the family or household within the past 6 months. The FCHA will require evidence that the family has been displaced as a result of fleeing violence in the home. Families are also eligible for this preference if there is proof that the family is currently living in a situation where they are being subjected to, or victimized by, violence in the home.

  5. Homeless Preference (1 point) – Families are eligible for the homeless preference if they lack a fixed, regular, or adequate nighttime residence. To verify this preference, you must provide a certification from a publicly or privately-operated shelter, Franklin County Community Connection Access Center (717) 261-3893, or proof you are receiving temporary help from a state, local or federal agency.



Chambersburg Office:

436 W. Washington St.

Chambersburg, PA 17201

P: 717-263-4200

F: 717-263-1329

Waynesboro Office:

202 Elder Ave.

Waynesboro, PA 17268

P: 717-762-7117

F: 717-762-9655

Section 8 is ext. 118 at both offices. F: 717 753 3479
or send an email to:

© 2025 by Franklin County Housing Authority. Template by AW Designs.

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